10 Things to Carry in Your Car for Winter Emergencies


Winter is coming and that means the roads will be getting nasty.  You may find yourself stranded due to bad weather, a flat tire, or any other reason. It is important you are prepared.





1. Full tank of gas – It is important to have gas in your car to help you stay warm, to ensure your fuel lines don’t freeze, that your battery doesn’t die, and that you have enough gas left to leave after the storm.

2. Flashlight – You’ll need some type of light if you are stranded, especially overnight.  Make sure to pack extra batteries so your flashlight will work.

3. Cell phone charger – This is extremely important.  You want to be able to use your cell phone in case of an emergency.

4. First aid kit – This is a good thing to have in your car no matter what the season.  In case of a medical emergency, make sure you have the basics covered.  Click here to what an ER doctor says must be in your first aid kit.

5. Water and snacks – You don’t want to get stranded without food and water.  Even if you’re only stuck for a few hours, a snack will help your body stay strong and alert.  This is especially true if you have kids with you, aren’t they always hungry?

6. Extra clothes & blankets – If you are stranded you’ll want a blanket and extra clothes to stay warm.  Keep enough in your car for every member of the family.

7. Jumper cables – You never know when your battery will die. It is important to keep a pair of jumper cables in the car.  Even better, invest a few dollars in a Jump Starter and you won’t have to wait on help to arrive.

8. Flares – These are a basic car item you should never be without. Use these to alert rescuers where you are located or light them so people are aware you are in need of help.

9. Kitty Litter – If you are stuck in the snow or mud, kitty litter can be used to give your car traction.

10. Tire Chains – If winter weather hits without warning you can put your tire chains on to help you get where you need to go.

***Bonus: Games & Coloring Book:  You never know when or how long you’ll be stuck