10 Ways to Keep Your Baby Entertained


Babies are so difficult to entertain. You can only sing the ABC song or play peek-a-boo so many times before you’re ready to pass out due to boredom.  Yes, I know it is important to interact with your baby, especially while they are growing mentally and physically.  Yes, it is just as important to let them have alone time to practice entertaining themselves. However, they need new experiences and it doesn’t take a lot of money or “stuff” to make that happen.


Here are 10 ideas we found on Pinterest to keep your baby entertained without breaking the bank or driving you crazy. What kind of things do you do to stimulate and keep your baby busy and learning?

  1. DIY Sensory Toys1baby
  2. DIY Baby Gym 2baby
  3. Ball in a Box 3baby
  4. Tugging Box 4baby
  5. Baby Pool With Spaghetti (I realize this looks a bit odd, but I’ve seen the smiles of a 9 month old while he spent at least 45 minutes enjoying this unique sensory activity.) 5baby
  6. Mirrors 6baby
  7. Muffin Tins, Egg Cartons, Toilet Paper Rolls – This gal has a TON of great ideas for babies between the ages of 6 and 18 months. 7baby
  8. Kicking Play for Babies 8baby
  9. Sensory Bottles and here and here and just search “sensory bottles” on Pinterest, there are so many good ideas. 9baby
  10. Muffin Tin & Various Items from around the house 10baby