65-Year-Old Woman Due with Quadruplets


This is a big year for Annegret Raunigk, a Russian and English school teacher living in Germany.  65-year-old Raunigk is set to retire this year from her profession, and she is also expecting quadruplets! Already a mother to 13 children from five different men, Raunigk’s youngest child Leila who is ten, asked her for a sibling who was closer in age.  Raunigk sought artificial insemination abroad, and with the help of donated eggs and sperm is now 21 weeks along in her pregnancy.

“Certainly that was a shock for me. After the doctor discovered there were four, I had to give it some thought to begin with,” Raunigk told German newspaper Bild am Sonntag. “I’m not actually afraid. I simply assume I’ll remain healthy and fit. In matters of organization I have enough experience, that’s not new for me.”

Raunigk’s current children range in ages from 10-44.

Her doctors report she is healthy and progressing just fine.