7 Ways to Add Joy to Your Morning Routine


When you have children, especially school-aged children, your morning routine can feel mundane, tedious and dare I say excruciating at times…  most likely because we do the same thing every. single. day.  Wake the kids up (which is always a fight), make breakfast, get them dressed and out the door in record time.  Only it’s not that simple, because we’re all grouchy and tired on top of these tasks! Mornings can feel anything but joyful at times, but I have some tips that can change that around, and they are pretty simple!






1. Make time for snuggle/talk time.  Set the alarm 15 minutes early, and have your kids jump into bed with you.  Snuggle, talk about any dreams you had, talk about the day ahead and what things you have planned. Have a tickle fight. Laugh.  It’s a great way to start the day, instead of feeling rushed and grouchy.

2. Listen to music.  Music puts everyone in a better mood!  Turn up the radio, or even create a “morning playlist” of happy, positive songs that will add a little pep to your step in the mornings!

3. Make breakfast fun and easy.  Create a breakfast menu each week that allows your child choices.  Write them on a kitchen board for your kids to see.  For example, Monday they can choose between peanut butter toast or scrambled eggs in a cup.  Allowing your kids to have choices helps them to feel like they have a little control over their morning, and also gives them something to look forward to when they wake up!  Anyone would get tired of the same old cereal and milk every morning!

4. Make choosing outfits easy.  I am all about letting my kids choose their own outfits, but if their drawers are unorganized, this can mean last summer’s swim trunks with this year’s Christmas sweater!  Make it easier on your kids (and you) by designating one or two dresser drawers to “school clothes”.  These drawers should be full of mix and match items that no matter what they choose will be appropriate for school.  Trust me, it’s a time saver!

5. Make their to-do list a scavenger hunt.  There are a list of tasks that need to be done every morning.  For example, get their backpack ready, make their lunch (if applicable), brush their teeth, find their shoes…. instead of sounding like a drill sergeant, make it a game!  Time your child to see how fast they can get everything done on their list! Having a check list can also keep them on track and helps to make sure they don’t forget anything.

6. Car Karaoke.  If your morning routine involves car pooling or driving your kids to three different schools in the morning (like me!) turn up the radio and have fun singing along! It’s an instant mood boost, and usually ends up in lots of laughs.  It’s a great way to start the day with a smile on your face!

7. Never leave without a hug and words of affirmation.  No matter how rushed you are, always give your kids a big long hug and tell them something you love about them.  “You look awesome today”, “I know you’re going to rock that math test today”, “I can’t wait to hear about your day after school”, these are all positive phrases that help your child look forward to going to school and help to add joy to their day and yours!