Photographer Captures Hilarious Parenting Realities in Photo Series


Social media is full of perfect family photos, but we all know that’s not reality. Kids have meltdowns, mom isn’t always put together, and the house is hardly ever perfectly kept when you have children. New Jersey-based Photographer Danielle Guenther knew this, so when the opportunity presented itself to take a few “realistic” photos of parenting scenarios, she couldn’t resist.


She tells, “I have a regular client that I photograph, and I was over at her house. It was at the end of the session, and the mom, [who] is always a total blast, just laid down on the couch, and I [said] we should do a funny one. She has a wonderful sense of humor, [and] she was all about it! And then it just spiraled out of control in a really great way.”



Although the series was initially inspired by that one photo, Guenther admits her 5 year old son gave her plenty of ideas as well.


The series is definitely dramatized, but you have to agree that we have all felt like some of the parents in these situations! If anything, they are good for a laugh. To see the full series, visit Danielle Guenther Photography’s website.