Is Fifty Shades of Grey Glorifying Abusive Relationships?


By now you’ve probably heard about the book and movie, Fifty Shades of Grey. There has been plenty of talk about how steamy the book series is and now the movie. However, there is a movement that wants people to see the down side of the relationship in the series.

#50dollarsnot50shades campaign is hoping to encourage people to NOT see the movie and instead donate the cost of a night at the movies to support victims of domestic abuse.  There is significant chatter under the hashtag on Twitter and the Facebook page has over 7,000 followers. They contend that the movie glamorizes abusive relationships and is harmful for women.

Other groups are saying the movie gives the wrong message to women, that violence in a relationship is acceptable and even romantic.  One blogger counted 50 times, just in the first book, of abuse. 

Have you read the book? Will you see the movie? Do you think it is just fantasy or glorifying abuse in relationships?