Photograph of Newborn Wrapped in American Flag Stirs Controversy


Last week photographer Vanessa Hicks from Virginia Beach, VA had the opportunity to photograph 8-day-old Landon Clevenger.  The baby’s parents, Rodney and Samantha wanted to incorporate Rodney’s military background in to the shoot.

They scoured Pinterest looking for a ideas, and finally settled on the idea of wrapping Landon in a flag.  They felt it represented everything that the US military represents.  Sacrificing, protecting and serving American families.

However, when Hicks posted the photo on to social media she was not prepared for the negative backlash of comments.

Hicks told PEOPLE, “When I posted this photo to my [Facebook] business page, I had no idea this photo would be trending and the reaction we would get out of it,” says Hicks, who is herself a Navy veteran and married to a sailor. “This Facebook group [picked it up] and then bashed it and bashed myself and all of those people stared sharing it.”

The group, which has since been removed was called “You Call Yourself a Photographer”, and accused Hicks and the Clevengers of being unpatriotic and breaking the U.S. Flag Code.  The code includes guidelines which include not wearing the flag or using it as bedding.  Hicks had received threatening messages including calls for her own suicide.

Many outside the Facebook group are now aware of the story and the nasty comments, and are now rallying support around Hicks and the Clevengers.

We would love to hear your thoughts.  Was their choice to use the American flag in their shoot in poor taste, or do you support their choice to honor the flag in this way?


  1. I think it is a beautiful photo and is very tasteful. No flag was harmed. The only thing I don’t like is that the photographers watermark which is very distracting. Sure, put you name on your work, but don’t have it dominate the photo.

  2. I think this was an awesome way to not only show that the military has the back of EVERY american born on american soil both domestically or abroad. But it’s a great way for the family to honor those who have gone ahead of them a sacrificed so much for their country and their families!! If I could say something to the family it would “Thank you for your service to this great nation and also Never forget those who have laid so much down to secure our freedoms! I am an US Army brat by birth and think this was AWESOME!!!!”

  3. I thinks this photo shows a Proud American – Proud of his baby, proud to be an American, and proud of his service to his country that proudly flies the American Flag. it is pride! No more disrespectful than American Athletes that put the flag around their shoulders after winning a sporting event at the Olympics for the United States of America.

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