5-Year-Old YouTube Makeup Star Hits a Nerve With Women


Usually giving a five-year-old mascara is a recipe for disaster. However, Danna Gomez is an expert and shares her make-up tips on YouTube.  The Colombian girl gives tips on creating the illusion of high cheekbones, applying eyeliner, how to make noses appear slimmer, and much more.

If she were in her late teens or twenties, she’d probably be just one in a million, but she’s five-years-old.  Her aunt, who records these videos for her, said she is imitating other videos she’s seen online.  She has millions of viewers a day, but not without critics.

Some viewers are saying videos like this are what puts pressure on children to grow up too fast. “Why can’t we let our children be children, why do we have to rush them into being adults before they are ready?” Another viewer said it was “a perfect example of a sexualization of little innocent children’.”

Anna’s aunt, Denisse Gomez, said the girl understands they are just “play” and the child enjoys doing the videos.  “Children have always played adult games like pretending to be doctors and nurses, or moms and dads, or even fireman or cowboys…So what is wrong with imitating an adult in playing around with make-up?”

What do you think: Just a fun game or kids should not be using make-up?