Are Selfie Shoes the Newest Trend?


It’s true that today is considered the annual celebration of mischief otherwise known as April Fool’s Day, however this product no joke. (Although we sort of wish it was?)

Selfies have become so popular that that the term ‘selfie’ was named word of the year in 2013.  Taking pictures of one’s self is now a cultural norm with selfies being posted all over the internet by friends, family and co-workers. However, getting the perfect shot can be tricky, especially if you have short arms, or there are more than two friends you want in the shot!  Selfie taking can be tough business indeed.

Thankfully, products like the “selfie stick” now allow selfie takers to take that perfect profile picture, with the added advantage of more space between the user and their phone. However, a new company named Miz Mooz felt like the selfie stick was just too big and bulky. It has also been banned from some public events like Coachella and Lollapalooza, so it was time to create a more subtle approach.  They invented the selfie shoe!  Your phone fits snugly in to the tip of the shoe, you then use your leg to get the perfect angle, and voila!  The perfect shot.  You might want to refrain from wearing short skirts while using it though…

What are your thoughts on this super nifty invention?  Yay or nay?