3 Best Hashtags for Parents


Misery loves company and parents can appreciate when other parents are dealing with the same parenting issues.  Social media is inundated with videos of parents sharing their kids.  You can see videos, like the one below, that will make you feel better about the toys scattered in the family room. You’ll find pictures of kids screaming because they didn’t get enough sprinkles on the left side of their ice cream. We’ve found three parenting hashtags that could help you feel better about the good, the bad, and the ugly of parenting.


Your kids are probably bringing home folders full of “artwork” and school work. If you’re like me you have to decide what to keep and what to trash. Most important, how to trash it without your kid seeing. My son saw me throw away some schoolwork once and asked why I would do that with something he worked so hard on. #momproblem.

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Stepping on a LEGO, trying to clean up while they pull stuff out, artwork on all your walls…What are some of your #averageparentingproblems?



I didn’t play ‘shake it off’ on the way home. #assholeparent

A photo posted by Kelsee Anderson (@kelseeannanderson) on