Why is This Girl’s School Saying She’s a Distraction?


An 8th grader was told her hair was a distraction to learning and she needed to adhere to the dress code, she spoke out. Her mother said the girl’s hair reflects her religious beliefs and that the school is discriminating against her because she is white.





Mom, Tonya Judd, says her daughter should be able to wear the dreadlocks since students of other ethnicities are allowed to wear them.  The girl with questionable hair, Caycee Cunningham, says she began growing her dreadlocks after studying abroad.  She says they are part of her “spiritual journey into her Hindu beliefs.”

The Lincoln Academy says that “students’ hair must have a neat, combed appearance, be appropriate for school, and not be distracting in the classroom.” The principal of the school is willing to talk with Judd and Cunningham. “We would be happy to come to a common solution with parents if they have concerns,” he said. “It’s just a matter of having that conversation with us and trying to go through that process.”

Cunningham says if it comes down to it, she will transfer schools.

Check out the video below and let us know what you think? Is the girl’s hair distracting? Is the school making a bigger deal out of this than it really is?