Is This the Most Unique Birthday Party, Ever?


It isn’t too difficult to come up with a theme for a kid’s birthday party.  Most kids are more than willing to tell you at least two or three things they absolutely love and want to be a part of their party. Those things are usually super heroes or princesses.  Remember when McDonald’s parties were popular? You’ve probably heard dozens of ideas, but this one is the most unique birthday party idea I’ve heard of.


A little girl from Arkansas said she wanted a CVS themed birthday for her fourth birthday.  Her mom, Sarah Fortune Gill, said Iris REALLY, REALLY loves the store.  Why? Because she says it has all her favorite things.

Her mother said that when her daughter asked for a CVS party, she complied. “One day it won’t be so simple to make her happy, so for now I take her to CVS when we have a few extra minutes to spare and try my best to make her birthday party special, as tricky as it may be (after all, there are no Pinterest boards for this, folks).”

She said Iris has loved CVS since she watched their local store being built.  They pass it regularly on their way to her school.  When she asked Iris where she would rather go, Disney or CVS, Iris said Disney AND CVS.  Mom did an amazing job and put on an awesome party.  She shared pics of the big day on her blog.  CVS even sent over lots of goodies to help make the CVS celebration a success.