10 White Elephant Gifts You’ll Want


It’s almost time for the holiday party season to start. That means you’ll probably get an invite to participate in a white elephant gift exchange.  That means you pull out all the stops to find a fun gift that everybody wants and you’ll fight to get back.




What is a white elephant gift exchange? Everyone brings a wrapped gift that is usually unusual, within a certain price range, strange, or odd, like a white elephant.  Many times guests are asked not to add their name to the gift, which makes it a bit more fun.  Players usually draw numbers to decide the order of opening gifts. As each player opens a gift the next player can steal a gift or open one. The game goes on until everyone has opened a gift.  Some groups include rules about how many times a gift can be stolen.

Here are 10 ideas for white elephant gifts sure to please. We’d love for you to share your white elephant gifts: most outrageous, odd, awesome, interesting!

  1. Mason Jar Cocktail — Super fun, easy to make, and lovely to receive!11masonjar
  2. Phone Charger Cord — Who can’t use one of these? I’m always buying new charger cords for my phone.22chargercord
  3. Pot-Pourri Before-You-Go Spray — This actually works and smells pretty good. Definitely a nice touch for the guest bathroom.33poopourri
  4. XL Wine Glass — It holds an entire bottle of wine. Can’t we all use that?55xlwineglass
  5. Crocheted Beard Hat — You know somebody in your family would totally wear this fun hat. beardhat
  6. Knock-Knock Note Pads –There are so many fun note pads that you can actually use. They are witty and sure to bring a smile to writer and reader’s face.knockknocknotepad
  7. Gift Card — You know a gift card is always welcome. I like to give Amazon cards because you can buy almost anything on that site. 1giftcard
  8. Funny & Unique Christmas Ornament — These are definitely not useful, but whoever gets this gift will most definitely remember you every year they put it up.  11ornament
  9. Fun Car Air Fresheners — Everybody can use some good smelling stuff for their car. Try these fun Hangin’ With the Homies or this Jane Austen Air Freshener th jane_austen_air_freshener
  10. A White Elephant — Why not go with the namesake of the game? You can do a desk lamp, a stuffed animal, or a sugar bowl. whiteelephant