New Device Plays Music To Unborn Babies, Vaginally


I remember when I was pregnant with my first daughter back in the 90’s, that studies were being released about the benefits of playing music to your unborn baby. It is said to stimulate brain development in fetuses. I remember putting headphones up to my belly and playing classical music pretty regularly. We know unborn babies can hear, so why not, right? Many moms still adopt this practice, but there is a new device on the market that encourages moms to do this a little bit differently, ahem, different meaning vaginally.

Babypod, which retails for $134 is the same idea as headphones on the belly, except it is a small speaker that is inserted into the vagina that aims the music directly at the baby’s developing head. Let that idea sink in….(no pun intended). The device is connected to your smartphone via a cord and is then operated through an app.




Spanish gynecology clinic Institut Marquès has conducted research that says starting this practice at 16 weeks gestation, benefits babies by musically stimulating their brains. It says that Babypod “stimulates the vocalization of babies before birth through music and encourages their neural development,” and since the device is used internally, sounds aren’t muffled like they are through external options. The speaker plays music up to 54 decibels, which apparently is similar to a hushed conversation.

Sooo, if you’re looking for a baby shower gift for your bestie, this could be the newest trend!  Or, it could be a complete flop, because generally when you’re pregnant the last thing you want is something stuck up your hoo-hoo.

What are your thoughts?  Would you try it?

image source: Babypod