My Pinterest Opinion


In honor of Valentine’s Day, I’ve decided to give my Pinterest oPINion on a couple of sweet sweet treats I have either made or at least tasted.

I couldn’t remember when the last time was I had a piece of banana cake and my husband admitted he had never tried it before. So on a chilly day when we were both snowed in I decided this would be a great treat. This recipe is extremely easy to make and the cake is super moist and delicious. Plus, the icing is amazing and again super easy to make. If you need a recipe to take you back to your childhood this was it for me and may be it for you.

Fruit Salsa
I’m not gonna lie, I first received this recipe from my sister’s mother-in-law instead of Pinterest. But since I made it for my in-law’s last Easter I have gotten numerous requests for the recipe and have seen it all over Pinterest. This dish is perfect for any occasion and is easy to make as long as you can chop up fruit. The recipe also includes steps to make the cinnamon tortilla chips, which are super easy as well. Of course, you don’t have to follow the recipe to a “T” instead make sure to add in your favorite fruit pieces to give it your own spin. The only complaint I have about this recipe is the cost of all the fruit. Don’t get me wrong I don’t mind supplying something like this for an event, but in my mind it’s a little too costly to make on a daily basis.

Of course I’m not a professional and all the above oPINions are my own. I would love to hear your oPINions on these same recipes or other Pinterest recipes, crafts, tips or tricks you have tried. Please send the Pinterest link along with your review directly to me ( and I’ll include you in my next Pinterest Opinion posting.