Week 6 – Ups & Downs of Post-Baby Weight Loss


Tuesday: Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown Workout Level 1

O-M-G Jillian’s yoga was really hard this week! Her workout really works my upper body…wow. Who said you need weights to get stronger? Nope – all you need is body weight exercises. This workout is challenging because she uses movement with the yoga poses and then you have to hold it for 15 seconds, which feels like eternity! But once it’s over, the euphoria is overwhelming and I know I just accomplished a lot. Remember – the weeble wobbling of your body while trying to balance and the burning in your muscles is your body changing. Love that!

Tuesday was it. I didn’t work out for the rest of the week. The reasons being are tough to really explain other than just to say I had a tough week. Maybe I was hormonal…maybe I was just tired.

Two things happened: the first was that I had a doctor’s appointment where I was, of course, weighed. (I don’t own a scale because they’re not indicative of fitness.) The anticipation of learning of my progress was exciting and I knew – just KNEW – that I’d be happy with the results. But I wasn’t. I was 10lbs heavier than I thought I would be. Yes, I get that I’ve lost a good bit already but I really, really, REALLY thought I’d be further along. I was hopeful and my hopes were blown up like a bomb. And it got to me. I lost all motivation to workout because it felt futile.

The second thing that happened was taking inventory of some friendships. Do you ever get a call from a girlfriend and immediately they go into what’s going on in their life, and you either congratulate them or talk them off a cliff? This happens a lot. I was having a bad time and who was asking about me? Who was wondering how I was doing? I felt alone and hurt that of the friends I talk to, none of them asked that question and I didn’t feel like I could interrupt their conversation to express what I was feeling and thinking. It wasn’t just about the disappointment on the scale, there was more I needed to talk through.

Luckily I have a very honest husband who knows me so well that even though I tried to mask my feelings, he could tell as soon as he saw me that I felt destroyed inside. I felt silly telling him what was wrong. But he made a really good point that I can’t be upset that my friends aren’t there for me when I don’t afford them the opportunity to be so. I have to speak up to my friends and give them the chance to support me just as I do them. That’s tough…and I mean TOUGH because I fear not receiving the same support I give to them. But I have to give them the chance to be and if they’re not, then I know where we stand. And that can be quite liberating.

Next week is a new week and I’ll start over. I’m not giving up on my workouts and have a new outlook on how I speak up to friends when I need them. We all need to lean on others at some point and for a variety of reasons. Lean on others because if you only let others lean on you, someone falls.

A mother of two and a Colorado Native, she grew up in suburbia Denver and met her husband in college at Regis University. They were best friends for years before he kissed her and well…as they say, the rest is history. He joined the Army after they graduated in 2002, so they moved several times and just came back from living overseas. Being gone for over 10 years, Colorado is still their home and they feel so good to be back!

<strong><em>Click here for more “New” mom fitness articles from Crystal!</em></strong>