The secret word is “Moderation”


I cannot believe we have started the Christmas holiday season! Where did the year go? For our family between Thanksgiving and Christmas is usually filled with many holiday parties, Christmas programs, shopping days and everything else that comes along with the holidays. As we discussed last week exercise gets difficult but nutrition also gets ridiculous. How can you say no to all the holiday goodies? Don’t worry in this blog I am not going to tell you to try really hard to eat healthy through the entire month of December because I know from personal experience it will never happen. What I am going to tell you is it is okay to have those wonderful delicious foods in moderation. Moderation is my “go to” word for most nutrition, actually all nutrition, if you told me that I could never have chocolate again because it was not healthy for me it would be ugly girls. I read a book by Betheny Frankel from the “Housewives of New York” a few years back. One of the chapters was called checks and balances and I think that it is a great plan to follow during the holidays. What she means by checks and balances is if you know that you were going to have a holiday party on Friday night where you might have a few drinks or indulge in a sweet or two you need to be sure to have healthier meals leading up to it. Try to balance your Christmas cravings with some healthy alternatives. Another thing that helps me out when he comes to party after party during the Christmas holiday is to try a bite of something without taking a plateful. Sometimes all you need is a bite to have that craving taken care of. Take time to really enjoy your holiday food eat slowly and when you are full or close to full stop eating! Part of my problem at the holidays is I keep eating and eating and eating and eating until I am at the point of being almost sick to my stomach. Don’t do that! Everyone have fun during the holidays enjoy the holiday foods just remember to be smart.

Learn more about our Fitness Mom, Sarah on her Facebook page Farm Girl Fitness!