Your Biggest Mom Pet Peeves Are…


We wanted to know what your biggest “mom” pet peeves are and you told us. As I read the responses, I have to admit, it made me feel a little better about myself.

I’m not alone in cringing when my son stares at me, with that “deer in the headlights” look, when I ask him what he was doing.

Elaina B. “The deer in the headlights look when I ask my daughter a questioin…OH MAN!!!!”

The most popular “mom” pet peeve was from Connie G. who said, “Finding CLEAN (often even still FOLDED) clothes in the dirty laundry heap! all the mommy chores are never-ending, but that one makes me CRAZY! ♥ the little darlings.

Orry-Lisa V. “I do NOT like having to repeat myself when telling my son to do or not do something…. DRIVES ME NUTS!”

Tammy E. definitely hit the nail on the head when she told us what gets to her. “The expectations. Know everything, do everything and ignore everything with a smile and cheerful attitude.”

I had no idea this happened in other people’s houses!
Susan B. “Used band-aids stuck to the floor!”

Dani F. “Repeating myself.” Exactly!

Amy K. “Whining.”

Debbie A. “Them fighting each other and me telling them multiple times to do or don’t do something.”

Kayla G. “Repeating myself when I know for sure they heard me the first time.”

I totally related to this one from Sandra S. “Licking the fingers…. the boys never wash their hands before dinner and then they lick them instead using a napkin….. GROSS!”

Candy C. “My kiddos leaving food and Drinkage in their rooms….Grrrr….lol…:-)”

Crisie K. “When they ask a question and ignore me when I answer.”

Anita A. “When I find their socks ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!!! drives me insane to top it off, my husband does the same thing, do I have signs all over my house that says leave socks here lol ugh.” I know the feeling, this happens all the time and then they wonder why they have no socks!

Amanda R. “Kids that are 2,3,4,5 years old and still have to have a pacifier in their mouths all the time and u cannot understand them because they will not take it out.”

You’d think we don’t feed our kids as many times as I hear this one that Dani W. shared with us. “Hearing “im hungry” 25000 times a day!” Usually, right after dinner, they need a snack, because they are starving.

Tressa B. “Got teens .. the word ” whatever.”

Alicia W. “When my 6 year old can hear the radio or Tv when it’s turned almost all the way down but can’t hear me when I’m speaking directly to her.” Selective hearing seems to be a common ailment in children.

Here are a few others:

Kristina G. “Hearing ”I know, I’ll do it later” when telling a teen that their room needs cleaned.”

Alexa E. “Continuously being asked “what” even when they’ve heard you!!!! GAHHHHH!”

Sarah O. “Siblings fighting n whining first thing in the morning.”

Sara O. “ATTITUDES…. my 9 year old daughter is the world champion!!!”

Amanda C. “The words “I don’t know” “nothing” or “whatever”!”

Can you relate to any of these?