Judge Beats Daughter & She Recorded It


I saw this video yesterday and could barely finish watching it. I wanted to turn it off after the first couple of minutes. This happened seven years ago to Hillary Adams, who is now 23-years-old. Her father was a judge in Texas and the scariest part is that he presided over child abuse cases. This video proves that he was/is a child abuser.

She made this secret video when she was 16-years-old and said she decided to post it now because her father has been harassing her. She hoped that if the video came out he would stop and seek help. Her father, Aransas County Court-at-Law Judge William Adams, is now under investigation by the police. The video is about eight minutes long and shows her dad beating her with a belt, at one point her mother, Hallie Adams, also hits her with a belt. Her mother and father were angry with her for downloading music and other content off the internet onto the computer.

“I’m experiencing some regret because I just pulled the covers off my own father’s misbehavior after so many people thought he was such a good person. … But so many people are also telling me I did the right thing,” she told The Associated Press outside her mother’s home in the Gulf Coast town of Portland, near Corpus Christi. “He’s supposed to be a judge who exercises fit judgment,” she said.

Corpus Christi television station KZTV caught up with the judge while he was getting into his vehicle Wednesday, and he confirmed it was him in the video. But he said it “looks worse than it is” and that he doesn’t expect to be disciplined. “In my mind, I haven’t done anything wrong other than discipline my child after she was caught stealing,” Adams said. “And I did lose my temper, but I’ve since apologized.”

You can see the clip here, but be aware it is GRAPHIC and difficult to watch. Hillary’s screams are chilling and it is evident to any sane person that this wasn’t a spanking, this was a beating. He involves his wife, asking her to go get the big belt. He tries to get her to bend over the bed, but she refuses and he threatens her.
“Lay down or I’ll spank you in your (expletive) face,” Adams screams while he beats her across the legs, while she pleads with him to stop. Her mother tells her to “turn over like a 16-year-old and take it! Like a grown woman!”

Partially into the video it looks like it is over, but Judge Adams returns and continues beating her. Hillary said she is not angry with her mother, she believes she was emotionally controlled by the Judge. Hallie Adams divorced him in 2007. While most people who have seen this video say it is child abuse, investigators say it is considered a spanking and acceptable in some social circlces and groups.

Have you seen the video? What do you think? It’s hard to say what will happen to Judge Adams, but Hillary hopes this will encourage abuse victims to speak out against their abusers. She said in a statement: “We do need to try to move on past the anger and just concentrate on getting counseling and help.”