Incentives to Keep Their Rooms Clean


Cleaning your room isn’t fun, but having rewards or incentives to keep it tidy might help. We’re not talking bribes, but just small rewards for good behavior.

Figure out what is special for your child, this will very greatly with age and child to child! For us, stickers are a great reward, or even stamps on the hand. Try out these small incentives for your kiddos.

  • Sticker charts: use a sticker in each square for accomplishing a task.
  • Earn special time: Designate an amount of time “earned” for each task completed to do a special activity. For example, by putting their clothes in the hamper each night, they earn 2 minutes of TV time. At the end of the week, they can use that cumulative time to watch a special show, or for each time they make their bed they earn 5 minutes of an outdoor activity.
  • Stamps: use a washable stamp pad to stamp “Great Job,” smiley faces or some other fun stamp on their hand.
  • Completed charts: Use sticker charts or task charts filled with stickers to turn in for bigger prizes. It can be for anything–a full chart means they can pick out what the family has for dinner, chooses a game for Family Game Night, or gets to go out for a special activity.
  • Wild card chore: Especially for older kids, choose a chore that is the “wild card chore,” if someone hasn’t completed all of their tasks for the week, it’s their chore to do. BUT if everyone has completed it, then mom or dad will pitch in to finish it.

What creative ways do you have to reward your kids for keeping their rooms clean?