Nighttime Cleaning Routine Makes Keeping Rooms Tidy a Cinch


Cleaning a room doesn’t have to be a major undertaking for your child, if they straighten up a little each day.

Try this easy checklist of smaller tasks to get things tidied up in the evenings and avoid the monumental mess!

  • Pick up clothes off the floor and place in the hamper/laundry basket.
  • Hang or fold and put away any clean clothes.
  • Put books away.
  • Put any trash in trashcan and dishes in kitchen sink/dishwasher.
  • Pick up toys from floor and put into proper places.
  • Put anything else that doesn’t belong in the room into its proper place.

Getting into a routine of taking 5-10 minutes to straighten up at the end of the night might not sound like fun at first, but after getting into the habit, they’ll appreciate not having to spend hours getting the room into tip-top shape!

Click here for a printer-friendly version of the checklist.