5 Important Facts You Need to Know


There are so many little tidbits of information that aren’t common knowledge, but need to be made known. You probably see hundreds of “Did you know…” facts come across your social media feed and they aren’t all true, but some are! Here are five facts that you might know, but we think they were good enough to share.

1. Antibiotics Won’t Cure a Virus.

Antibiotics kill bacteria, but they won’t stop a common cold or even the flu. Some sicknesses you just have to treat the symptoms and power through.

2. You’re blood isn’t blue inside your body.

There are three theories as to why people think we have blue blood. According to The Scientific Activist, “The first two are physical and stem directly from the way in which light interacts with blood (how it is absorbed) and with skin (in this case, how light is reflected). The final reason is psychological, dealing with the way in which our brain processes information relatively to generate color perception.

3. The top of most ovens raise up for easy cleaning.

4. Which side is the gas tank on? Check your dash information. There is a small triangle next to your fuel gauge points in the direction of the gas tank.

5. Change your pillowcases often. Dust mites trigger allergies and impact asthma. Pillowcases are like magnets for these little mites. The American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology recommends using mite-proof casings for pillows and blankets. Along with other interventions this can reduce allergies and asthmas in your home.