Couple Receives One Million Dollar Medical Bill For Unexpected Birth In Hawaii


I can vouch that hospital stays are expensive, but one Canadian couple got the shock of their life when they received a medical bill for over $900,000. It came after an unexpected delivery while they were vacationing in Hawaii.

Jennifer Huculak of Saskatchewan was nearly 6 months pregnant when her water broke and she went in to labor. Their baby was required to stay in the neonatal unit for 2 months because of her premature state.

Before their trip they purchased Blue Cross Insurance and got the go ahead from her doctor.

She told Global News, “We were told we were covered. We paid our premium. We obviously still feel that Blue Cross should cover the bill,” she said, adding that her family is now facing bankruptcy. “It’s a very sad position to be in. I wouldn’t wish it on anybody.”

Blue Cross has denied her claim saying she had a “pre-existing” condition. Huculak claims her only pre-existing condition was a bladder infection and some bleeding around 4 months gestation. Her doctor saw no reason for her to not travel at the time she left.

Despite her doctor writing a letter to Blue Cross stating her pregnancy was stable when she left, the insurance company refuses to pay.

Huculak’s warning is that even if you think you’re covered while traveling, you may not be. Thankfully despite the stress, baby Reece is thriving.

What are your thoughts? Should the insurance company foot the bill?