All Women Do These Embarrassing Things, Right?


We all do embarrassing things, right? We tend to think men who snore, fart, and wear socks with sandals have an edge on embarrassment. However, women do some things that we’d probably never admit to other women.

We pee in the shower. Why is that so wrong? I say it isn’t. Men do it all the time. It goes right down the drain and we can wash up right then and there.

We fart. We may not be loud and proud, but farts happen. Have you ever been in a place where you can’t fart out loud? I tend to try to move around and let it out slowly so as not to draw attention to myself. Don’t shake your head like that, you know it happens. Usually, I try to do it around a little kid, because they are so easy to blame.

We don’t always shower. I don’t shower every day. I don’t wash my hair every day. In fact there are a some days I’ve used powder and deodorant to make me feel better. Seriously, some days I’m just so tired. If I sweated a lot or did something like clean out the garage or a super dirty area, I’ll definitely take a shower. If it was a typical day there isn’t always a need for a shower.

We rarely wash our bras. Tell the truth, how often do you really wash your bra? I have to admit I switch out bras and try, TRY to wash them at least once a month. I just feel like they fit better when I don’t wash them. I don’t want them to lose their shape.

While you may not admit to these, you know you’ve done or haven’t done at least one, right? Anything else you might do that is super embarrassing, but you’re sure other women do?