Anti-Gun PSA Encourages Children To Turn Over Parents Guns


A new anti-gun commercial that was meant to be a PSA is now causing quite a stir. The dramatic production shows a child sneaking in to his mom’s bedroom, going through her drawer, finding her handgun and putting it in his backpack. He takes the gun to school where he eventually lays it on his teachers desk as she is taken aback in horror. He then says, “Can you take this away? I don’t feel safe with a gun in my house.” Then the video concludes with the following wording “OUR CHILDREN DESERVE A SAFE WORLD,” followed by “STOP GUN VIOLENCE NOW.”

The controversy isn’t so much about it being an anti-gun commercial, but about the five to seven crimes it is encouraging children to commit. The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms points them out. “The series of crimes depicted in this video is simply astonishing,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “We’re talking about felony theft of a firearm, illegal possession of a handgun by a minor, having a gun in a school, illegal concealed carry by a minor, brandishing and maybe one or two other crimes, depending upon the jurisdiction.”
… “This video isn’t a public service announcement,” he commented, “but a public dis-service and the producers ought to be ashamed.”

The original video has been taken down by its producers due to the backlash, but copies are still circulating on YouTube and news websites.

Watch the short video, and let us know your thoughts. Is this what our children should be taught?