Are Your Kids Driving You to Road Rage?


Driving with kids in the car is much different than driving alone or with adults. My sons seem to think as long as they are in their seats and strapped in, everything else goes. They ask me to turn the music up or change the station. Sometimes, they argue and throw things at each other. they know I can’t really do anything about it because I have to focus on driving. They also know that when I pull the car over, they are in big trouble and I’m serious.

The only thing that makes me more angry, than having to stop the car and ddiscipline them, is when a bad driver almost causes me to wreck. You know, those people who run stoplights or pull out in front of you at intersections. How could they be so unsafe? After reading about this recent poll, I realized I’m not alone.

New research has revealed that arguing children in the back seat of the car is the number one reason for road rage. An online survey of 1,000 British drivers found that women were more upset about traffic jams, speeding motorcycles and rude drivers. Men seemed to be less concerned, especially if the other driver was young or very old.

“Having the kids in the car is distracting and, like being on the phone, may affect reaction times to stimulus on the roads,” the Daily Mail quoted Mike Guttridge, a psychologist as saying. “Women tend to be less aggressive than men, so it’s no surprise that female road rage is triggered by a protective, ‘lioness’ instinct.”

Do you find yourself getting road rage? How often do you lose your cool? How do you control it?