Avoiding a Nip Slip


Ten months ago when Ingrid was born, I was all gung-ho for breastfeeding. I was ambitious. I was going to do it right. I would feed her whenever and wherever she needed. Scared and anxious at first, I slowly overcame my fears. (I even had Phil document the first time I nursed her in public!) With the support of my husband, friends, and family, I have been able to keep the promise I made to myself and my baby. I have nursed my little babe all over – the zoo, church, restaurants, the park, the coffee shop, the library, in front of strangers, in front of family, in front of my dad.

At the beginning, I tried searching for tips and tutorials on nursing in public. Surprisingly, these were hard to find! I just kept practicing and got better with time. Now that I feel like an expert I thought I’d put together a little video for you all, sharing some tips and tricks so other mamas out there can learn to do it with confidence and without giving someone a nip slip. (Even though I’m sure your lover kind of enjoys it from time to time.)

Click here to enjoy Lacy’s “Avoiding a Nip Slip” video.