Best Way to Get Rid of Earwax


We don’t like to talk about it, but earwax is one of those nasty things we have to deal with.  Most people just use a Q-tip and get what they can grab, but that isn’t the best way to get rid of it.

First, earwax is basically dead skin cells and secretions from the body’s sebaceous glands.  Most of the time your ear will push out the wax on its own.  When you put a Q-tip in your ear you could cause the ear to make more wax.  Sometimes it can even create blockage that requires a doctor to remove.  This also goes for using bobby pins, ear candles, and anything else that you think might get wax out.

The best way to get out earwax is a couple drops of hydrogen peroxide or over the counter ear drops.  This turns the wax into a more pliable substance and then it should rinse right out.  Some people have dry skin and that causes wax to buildup. This is an easy fix. Just put a drop or two of mineral oil in your ears to keep them lubricated.

If you these don’t work or you’ve had pain in your ear, see a doctor.  They will be able to look into your ear and see what is going on.