Cheap & Easy Storage Solutions


You don’t have to spend a fortune on fancy furniture or organizing tools to help your kids organize their rooms (or the rest of your house!). Check out these unique and frugal ideas to help put things in their place.

  • Milk crates-you can scrounge up milk crates for stores or buy inexpensive ones at place like Walmart. They stack nicely, and you can turn them on their side and make them into cubbies that lock together as well. Great for laundry rooms, kids’ rooms for toys, and even closets to stack t-shirts and sweaters in.
  • Hanging sweater organizers-great for smaller toys like Barbies and Tonka trucks, or easy for kids to put their own clothes away in their closet. Use higher shelves that are out of their reach to store seasonal clothes that you can swap out when needed.
  • Dishpans-great to store books in. Stand books up like a flip file. Kids can flip through them and when they’ve read the book, put it back in easily, rather than your books ending up on the floor or being pulled off the shelf one by one by little fingers.
  • Laundry baskets-great for toy bins. Also a great dresser for kids with a few modifications using these easy instructions from a mommy blogger. Ana White designed this awesome dresser where clothes can go from the laundry right to the dresser in one easy step!
  • Wine crates-free or cheap from many liquor stores, you can paint them in bright colors (if you don’t like the idea of a wine brand or label in your kiddo’s room, but isn’t it cute plain for elsewhere in the house?) and attach them to the walls to act as shelves or cubbies for toys, clothes, anything. Or, check out this neat idea of wine crate shelving from Pretty Neat Organizer. Just a few angle brackets and screws to have great custom shelving!

What ideas do you use for inexpensive and easy organizing?