Craft: Build a Bird Nest


Why not mix crafts with science?! This is a fun craft activity that also teaches kids about an animal we all have in our own backyards…BIRDS.

  1. Go out back to observe the bird’s nest in your backyard or a local park.
  2. Assembled your materials: leaves, grass, twigs, and mud.
  3. Spread out materials on waxed paper for a work surface.
  4. Start with the MUD. Did you know that birds use mud as well as their own saliva to hold the nest together? I didn’t!
  5. Use sticks, grass, leaves, (crafters moss is a great tool for this project too if you have any). Mold your bird nest.

It’s harder than you think, so you can talk to the kids about how amazing birds are for their ability to craft such an safe, warm, secure place way up high in the trees! They don’t have hands or fingers, and yet they build nests that hold up to storms and wind.