Dating as a Single Parent: How Do You Do It?


There are lots of single parents who hold the weight of the world on their shoulders. They have to hold down a job, take care of a home, be a parent and somewhere in there they have to find time for themselves. Part of that means dating. Being a single parent doesn’t mean they automatically lose their need for companionship. Some of the common questions single parents ask are: How do you meet people? Do dating sites really work? When do I find time to date?

How do you meet people? You don’t always have to meet people at your kid’s school or the local fast-food playground. Lots of parents don’t want to head out to bars or nightclubs. Even though they are in their 30’s, they still have a curfew, the babysitter does eventually want to go home. Some of the best places to start meeting other people would be at kid-friendly spots: musuems, the zoo, a bookstore, your favorite outdoor spot, take a class or join a book club.

Do dating sites really work? There are LOTS of options when it comes to online dating sites. The gals I’ve known who’ve used dating sites all say they were bombarded with men. It takes lots of time to pick through the losers and the guys who are obviously just out for sex. Some people even manage to find a person to go on a date with and have a good time. I’ve even had some friends who found their boyfriend/significant other on dating sites. It’s worth a try and who knows, you could meet your match.

When do I find time to date? After working all week, taking the kids to their after-school activities, grocery shopping and everything else in a normal life, when does a person have time to meet a person and date? Many parents use the weekends when their kids are with their other parent to go out and date. Setting up a lunch date is a good way to use a time when the kids are not with you. Schedule a date for you and a playdate for your kids.

What are your tips and ideas for single parents who want to start dating?