“Day on a Plate” Spawns Into Hilarity


“Day on a Plate” has gone viral and everyone is getting in on the action. Kara Rosen, founder of PlenishCleanse, a company that makes juices, described what she typically eats in a day.

This just makes me sad. I admire the amount of willpower she has to eat seeds and rice cakes (aka styrofoam). I don’t understand not having dinner with her daughter, but to each their own.

The most common reaction was sadness and feeling sorry for this poor lady. It seems there were quite a few other people who just had to share their “Day on a Plate.” I’m glad they did, because it makes for some really good reading.

What would your “Day on a Plate” look like?

I had to add my own “day on a plate.”

5:00am – Get to the coffee as soon as possible

5:45 – 6:30 – Drive to work while drinking more coffee and having a banana.

6:45 – Head to the teacher’s area and get more coffee.

Add some gum some time in there so students aren’t totally blown away by the coffee breath.

12:00pm – Lunch is usually leftovers, if I remember to bring them. Otherwise, more coffee!

3:00pm – Leave work and if I didn’t have lunch I hit up a drive-thru for a snack. This could be a 7 layer burrito from Taco Bell or a large fry from McDonald’s.

5:30pm – Dinner with my kids! This is usually something they like to eat like pasta or chicken and beans. If I’m not feeling up to cooking and cleaning we do take out.

9:00pm If I’m not passed out by this time, I may pull out some hidden chocolate I have or eat a bag of popcorn. If there is candy in the house, I have to keep it hidden from the kids so I can actually eat some.