Don’t Forget Holiday Gifts for These Important People


Teachers and babysitters usually top the list for holiday gifts. However, there are other important people you shouldn’t forget. Even if it is just a small gift card to Starbucks and a Christmas card, they will be happy you thought of them.

1. Sports Coach – These guys and gals put a lot into teaching your child how to play ball, do gymnastics, or swim.

2. Crossing Guard – Don’t forget these amazing people who stand out in the cold, heat, rain, and snow to keep your kids safe.

3. Bus Driver – If you have a good bus driver, let them know with a token of appreciation. They cart around lots of kids every day. Can you imagine driving ten minivans full of kids?

4. Other school staff like librarians, front desk workers, counselors, and the nurse – If one or more of these people have contact with your child on a regular basis, we’re sure they would appreciate a Christmas gift.

Who do you give gifts to for Christmas?