Facebook Removes Birth Image, Upset Mom Compares It To Kardashian Nude Photo


UK mom, Milli Hill recently posted a photo to her Facebook page (not pictured above) of a mother giving birth. She was disheartened to learn that Facebook had removed the image stating that it violated “community standards.”

Hill’s Facebook page called The Positive Birth Movement is geared towards mothers supporting mothers in all birth choices. Hill said that she receives many pictures from moms that she likes to share with their community. “That is the whole point of the Positive Birth Movement, really — women informing women, women empowering women,” she tells Huffington Post.

Hill found it interesting that this took place right as Kim Kardashian’s nude photos have been circulated all over social media, including Facebook.

She questions why it is ok for nude photos with sexual tones to be circulated, however when a nude photo of a women doing something natural and empowering is posted it is frowned upon.

Click here to see the images in question.

What are your thoughts? Was Hill’s photo inappropriate for social media? How about Kardashians?