Father Sings To His Dying Newborn Son 4 Days After Wife Passes Away


This sweet and tender moment is almost too much to handle. Father, Chris Picco, lost his pregnant wife when she passed away in her sleep on November 8th. His premature son was delivered by emergency C-section in hopes of saving his life. He survived for four days, but in the end the oxygen deprivation he suffered when his mother died was just too damaging.

Chris and his wife shared a passion for music, and decided on naming their son Lennon before she had died. He says he spent days in the NICU crying and singing songs to their dying son. A friend took this video of him gently singing “Blackbird” before he died.

Chris told ABC news, “It’s a song I really love and I was looking to play songs that had kind of that melodic movement that might trigger something in him.”

Lennon went to sleep in his daddy’s arms.

A fund has been set up for the Southern California family to pay for expenses. You can donate here.