FitBit Proves Woman Lied About Rape


A woman told police she was pulled out of her bed and raped at knifepoint.  She was in Pennsylvania, at her boss’s home when the alleged attack occurred. When they begin investigating things did not add up with her story.  The police said her FitBit report proved she was lying.

Jeannine Risley told police that she was asleep when someone attacked her.  However, her FitBit showed she was awake and walking around the entire night.  According to ABC27 News the police also found no signs of an intruder and no footprints in the snow outside of the house.  Riley had recently been told she was being demoted at work.

She is being charged with false reports to law enforcement, false alarms to public safety, and tampering with evidence.  This is a reminder that we are putting a lot of information out there: through our phones, computers, tablets, fitness tracking devices, etc. Telling lies is almost impossible, there is a strong chance that you will get caught.  This woman learned the hard way that telling lies to the police does not end well.