Five Tips for Moms Who Are Going Back to School


Going back to school isn’t just for the kids, many moms are choosing to head back to school as well.  This is a wonderful idea, especially if you started, but never finished. Having a college degree doesn’t have to be expensive or difficult.  Time management and organization can help you achieve your goal without stressing out.

  1. Check for Pell Grants and Scholarships:  Before you spend any money or take out loans make sure to fill out a Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  You may qualify for Pell Grants – which is basically free money for school.  It also tells the school you attend what your expected input into the cost will be.  Schools use this information and many scholarships ask for this information.  Talk with your school about scholarships. Most financial aid offices have lists of available scholarships that are specific to their school. Click here for a good place to start when looking for scholarships. This site even has tips on applying for scholarships.
  2. Schedule a few hours a week or even daily to be childfree. You may think you’l be able to do the work when your baby is asleep or after the kids go to bed, but that doesn’t always happen.  If you are going to school online, you need to set aside time that you can focus solely on your school work.  As a mom going to school online at home, I found it was important to have a space set aside just for me as well.  I had a desk and file cabinet just for my school work.
  3. Get Organized. Use a calendar. Prepare ahead of time. Don’t procrastinate. Part of being organized means getting the kids on a schedule. If you have a partner, ask for their help. As a mom you probably already have a schedule for cleaning, meals, and family activities. If not, set up a plan so you won’t feel overwhelmed with school and home responsibilities.
  4. Get connected. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Connect with students in your classes or other moms who are going to school. More than likely you will be required to do group projects. Use these projects to get to know people who you can reach out to for support. It is also important to tell your teachers that you are a mom.  Most professors understand and will work with you in case of an emergency.
  5. Find time to breathe and take care of yourself. School and family can quickly take precedence in your life, but you need to do things just for yourself.  That may be a walk around the neighborhood, exercise class, or just taking a quiet bath.  You are doing something that is good for you and your family, but don’t forget to take care of you.