Four Boys Rescue Toddler from Drowning


Four California boys are being called heroes after saving a three year old girl from drowning. Hogan, 17, Victor Vasquez Jr., 12, George Castillo, 13, and Robert Vasquez, 8, were searching for fish in a cancal when they saw something in the water. At first, they thought it was a doll and then realized it was a girl.

The boys took the girl to Victor’s dad, Victor Vasquez, Sr. Being a father of four, he said he did what any parent would do and began giving the girl CPR. Emergency medical aid came and took the girl to a local hopsital. She is in good condition.

“Gilbert Hogan, the oldest of the boys who joined in the rescue, said he was relieved to know the girl had responded to the aid. “Tears of joys came out,” he said. “I was just so worried.””

The local police said the girl, Alice Falk, had fallen into the cancal about half a mile away from where the boys found her. Lt. Mike Marquez “I think they could be called heroes. They saved an infant’s life.”

The little girl’s mom reported the child missing about the same time the boys were rescuing the girl. The police are investigating, but have not charged anyone with a crime. “We’re investigating this case to determine what happened,” Marquez said. “We’re not here trying to make a case. We’re trying to gather all the facts and prove or disprove if any crime took place.”

It’s always good to hear about good kids making a difference in their community and just doing the right thing.