Girl Feeds Birds & They Bring Her Gifts


A young girl has been feeding the birds in her back yard, specifically crows. 8-year-old, Gabi Mann started feeding these birds when she was only 4-years-old. She feeds them dog food and peanuts.

As a thank you to Gabi, the birds leave her small gifts. She has a collection of the birds’ gifts: earrings, beads, rocks, paper clips. She told the BBC about her favorite, a small heart. “It’s showing me how much they love me.”


A bird researcher stated that he has heard of crows bringing people things. “I can’t say they always will [give presents] but I have seen an awful lot of things crows have brought people,” John Marzluff said. Crows respond to consistent rewards. Crows are extremely smart and can recognize human faces.

This girl is a real life Cinderella, communicating with birds!