Google Ordered To Pay Woman After Capturing Her Cleavage on Google Maps


Imagine Googling your own house, zooming in on Street View and finding yourself sitting on your front step for the world to see. Most would think that might be pretty fun, but that wasn’t the case for Maria Pia Grillo of Montreal, Canada. According to her, she was mortified to see not only a picture of herself, but her cleavage as well.

She claimed Google capturing this image of her sitting outside of her house with a low cut shirt on, and posting it for the world to see caused her emotional damage, especially by her mocking co-workers at the bank she is employed at. (How exactly did they find out about it, anyway?)

Even though Google had automatically blurred her face (something they do regardless), she filed a lawsuit against Google for $45,000 in emotional damages.

According to, the judge ruled against the fact that they she was emotional scarred by this, but did agree that her privacy was breached and ordered Google to pay $2,250 in damages.

If you don’t want people seeing your cleavage, maybe you shouldn’t wear shirts allowing everyone to see it? She was in public, afterall.

What are your thoughts? Do you think this woman’s privacy was violated, or was it just a good excuse for her to make some quick money?