How to Make Crayon Galaxy Art


If your family is like mine, you have lots of random crayons laying around the house…under couches, in closets and under beds!  Have the kids gather them up and create one of a kind galaxy art canvases they can hang in their rooms or give as gifts!  They look “out of this world”!

Materials needed:

Black canvas, foam board or sturdy paper (You can cut the paper into desired sizes)


hot glue gun

blow dryer




Line up crayons in the order you desire, and then hot glue them in to place on your surface.  Grab a blow dryer and start blowing!  The kids will love watching the crayons melt, and you can manipulate the flow by moving the direction of air and turning your canvas from side to side.



If you want art without the crayons attached, just place your desired paper on top of a board with crayons, and you can peel it off when you’re done!




Add white speckles of paint when the wax is dry to create a “star” effect!  These would be super fun to make a collage with, and a cool edition to any kids bedroom!