How to Use Lemons in the Laundry, Kitchen & For Fun!


Lemons have been used for everything from cooking to cleaning for centuries. They can be used in the kitchen, laundry and bathroom. They are thought to have antioxidant qualities and are environmentally friendly.

In the kitchen:

  • Squeeze an entire lemon in your garabage disposal. Put the peel down in the disposal and run the disposal for a few minutes. Make sure to clear the disposal of any large pieces. This will freshen your sink and help get rid of any yuck that was left behind from other food.
  • After cutting garlic or onions on a wood board, rub the surface with a slice of freshly cut lemon, rinse well and dry. This will get rid of the smell and help clean them for the next time you need to use the cutting boards.

In the laundry:

  • Use lemon juice in the washer to remove rust and yellow stains from cotton t-shirts and underwear.
  • Discolored socks will look white again if you boil them for a few minutes in a pan of water with a slice of lemon in it.

In the rest of the house:

  • To eliminate odors in home humidifiers, pour 3 or 4 capfuls of bottled lemon juice in the water.

Here’s a use the kids will have fun with!

  • Write a message on a piece of paper with a cotton swab using lemon juice as invisible ink. After the “ink” is dry, hold the paper near a hot light bulb (not too close!). The writing will turn brown and you’ll be able to read the message.

How do you use lemons around your house?