I Don’t Know What I’m Doing, But I Like It : Bootcamp Week 1


This is me 4 years ago. I was a size four. I felt fantastic. I’m not exactly sure what happened but this is me now. I suppose if I had to guess as to how I got so big it would boil down to wine, food, age and a bit of laziness, okay, a lot of laziness. When I finally realized I was 20 pounds heavier I freaked. What do I do now? I tried all of the things I had done before to lose weight, but something about being over 40 changed the game.


For the past year, I have literally used my child as a human shield whenever someone wants to take my picture. Typically I won’t let anyone take my picture because I can’t stand to see how I look. That is pathetic. I avoid situations where I have to see someone that hasn’t seen me since I packed on the pounds. I tell myself this is to protect them from the utter shock of my reverse transformation. This is just a little snapshot of where I was a week ago.

Two weeks ago I was approached by D1 Sports Training to share with my readers their upcoming boot camp for women. As I spoke with them about their program I had a bright idea, which I blurted out. “Why don’t I try your boot camp so I can give them a full picture of what it’s like,” I said. It seemed like a great idea when I was sitting at my desk in black leggings and an oversized shirt. After the meeting, I realized what I had done. It would take a week for me to muster up the courage to show up.

WEEK 1: D-Day

I show up to D1 terrified. I’m certain the next hour will be the definition of humiliation. I walk in hoping to keep a low profile, but that was not to be. This is a good thing. I walk in and everyone in the class greets me. It’s almost like a team really. I was a bit intimidated because most everyone appeared to be in good shape, but that’s a good thing right? I mean it proves this stuff works. Over the course of the next hour I did exercises I hadn’t done in years and some I had never done. The hour flew by and I was constantly encouraged by the participants, not in a poor slob kind of way, but in a way like, we are glad you are here and kudos to you for giving it your all. I must admit the multiple fist bumps made me feel great.

I left that first class knowing I had an uphill battle, but that this might actually work. I have gone for a week now, thus the week one title, duh. As I write, I am sore in places I didn’t even know muscles existed. It makes me feel great. Yesterday was my best day yet. That was my 5th day. I ran, I jumped hurdles, I swung weights and came close to death, but guess what, I’m going back today.

What is D1?

D1 is circuit-based training That consists of a 1-hour workout that includes:

 Total Body Metabolic Training

 Cardio Training

 Strength and Resistance Exercises

 Core, Balance, Flexibility, and Injury Prevention

 Emphasis on muscle tone, strength development, and weight loss where desired.


What that means is you aren’t just doing one thing, which is great for my ADD. The class follows this format:

12-15 minutes of dynamic warm-up

Rest Break

12-15 minutes of a performance circuit

Rest Break

12-15 minutes of a strength circuit

 Rest Break

 Remaining time is core and cool down

The best part: You burn at minimum 480 calories per class. 480 CALORIES!!!!!!


I will be documenting my journey, but if you want to learn more about their upcoming boot camp and try them out for free


Click Here.