If You Can’t Control Your Kids, Don’t Take Them in Public


You’ve probably seen the story about two moms, eight kids, and a dollar store clerk who lost it. If not click here to read it or scroll down to see the video and I’ll give you the rundown. Two moms took their eight kids into a dollar store.  The kids were acting wild and unruly.  The clerk screamed in frustration after the mothers would not control their kids.  Now, the moms say the clerk should be fired. I say, no way, those moms need to take responsibility for their kids.


The mothers never once tried to say their children were not acting unruly. It’s safe to assume that the 8 kids, playing in a dollar store, were misbehaving.  The store clerk hasn’t given her side of the story, but she doesn’t need to for me. If your kids are in anyway misbehaving in a public space, they do not need to be there. Period. This means a restaurant, store, public transportation, church, anywhere there are other people. The only exception I can think of would be a child-friendly space where kids are welcome to act like kids – Chucky Cheese, jumpy place, outdoor park, etc. Kids who are allowed to act out in public as children turn into unruly teens and adults who have no respect for other people.

Store clerks aren’t paid to clean up after your kids and they should be able to ask you to leave if your kids are causing problems.  How would you feel if kids came into your workspace and caused problems? I’m not sure we would all be super nice. One of the moms said, “It didn’t matter how many kids we had or how they were acting…You could have said what you needed to say in a nice way.” I agree, she should have asked nicely, but it does matter how your kids were acting. Parents needs to teach her children respect and how to act appropriately in public.  

These mothers are acting like victims. They are getting their 15 minutes of fame for their unruly children. I feel sorry for the clerk, that she felt the only way to get through to these moms was to scream like a child. Hopefully, these children won’t pick up on their mother’s entitled attitudes. They seem to have the idea that just because they are the customers they are entitled to act and do whatever they please in a store.  The bottom line is that kids who act like this when they are young don’t magically change when they are older.  Please, moms and dads, don’t let your kids act out in public spaces.  Teach them to respect other people and act appropriately.