Lunch Lady Fired for Giving Free Lunch to Kids









School employees see the realities of life on a daily basis.  They know which kids are neglected, which kids have troubled pasts, and many other issues the rest of us never deal with.  For most of these employees they do what they can, when they can and try to make a difference.  One elementary school kitchen worker did what she could to help hungry kids and she was fired.

Della Curry, a Colorado elementary school kitchen manager, gave free lunches to kids who couldn’t afford to eat.  She told CBS that she would do it again.  Kids who don’t qualify for reduced or free meals, but can’t afford lunch get a free meal which is a piece of cheese on a hamburger bun and a milk.

“I had a first-grader in front of me, crying, because she doesn’t have enough money for lunch. Yes, I gave her lunch.” She said the district and the state need to change the way they do lunch.  In order to be eligible for free lunch, a family of four has to make $31,000 or less. Families who qualify for reduced lunches must make below $45,000.

Curry had this to say about her school: “The staff at Dakota Valley are some of the most dedicated, caring, supportive and loving people I have ever had the honor of working with…This is just the jumping off point, if anyone has contacts within the school board, local and state government or anyone else that can help change this situation, please let me know!”

The Cherry Creek School District released the following statement, according to CBS:

The law does not require the school district to provide the meal to children who have forgotten their lunch money, that is a district decision. According to our practice, we provide hot meals to students the first three times they forget their lunch money and charge their parents’ accounts. The fourth time, we provide a cheese sandwich and milk.The district has worked to keep lunch prices low and still meet the federal nutrition requirements. The costs of our lunch program are not covered by the prices we charge. At the end of the year, any unpaid accounts revert back to the general fund which also covers instruction, security, building maintenance and overall operations.
Curry said she paid for lunches sometimes out of her own pocket and that she did break a rule. However, she believes change is necessary and she is going to approach the school board about how that can happen.  Parents are supporting Curry, many say she helped their kids when they forgot lunch money.