Man Drugs His Kids as Revenge Against Ex-Wife


There are a lot of horror stories when it comes to ex-husbands and ex-wives.  Most deadbeat dads get their nickname by failing to pay child support. I’ve seen grandparents raising their grandchildren because the mom just didn’t want to do it. In a group our size, I’m sure there are many of you who have your own stories about the worst of the worst when it comes to co-parenting after a separation. However, this guy takes the cake as being a horrible father.



The French man says he wanted to annoy his soon to be ex-wife.  He allegedly put tranquilizers into tea for his children.  Then he called his wife and told her she would “Never see the children again.” Several hours later, the mom was able to pick up the children.  The dose was small and the kids were not harmed.  When the police asked why he did it he told them “to piss off his wife.” He is now under judicial review and required to seek medical help.

What is the worst ex story you’ve heard?