Man Gets Tattoo of “The Dress” (Yes, That One)


Last week the internet exploded when a very controversial dress made it’s appearance.  Mother of the bride, Grace Johnson posted it online for her daughter’s approval. Now known as “the dress”, it caused disagreements around the world when some insisted it was white and gold, while others swore it was black and blue!  Turns out the dress actually is black and blue, but depending on the lighting and screen you are looking on it appeared white and gold to some.

Who knows why some things trend as quickly as they do, but “the dress” is definitely a memorable sensation!  So memorable, in fact that a man from Texas just got a new tattoo commemorating the event.  Daniel Howland posted his new work of body art via Instagram.  Despite some negative comments and backlash, he seems pretty proud of the new “dress” tattoo he sports on the side of his right knee.

What do you think of Howland’s new tattoo?  

the dress

