McDonald’s New “Cashiers” Coming Soon


When you head into a fast food restaurant you usually get a cashier who gets your order right about 75% of the time. Well, one fast food franchise is hoping to change that. McDonald’s is testing out machines where you put your order in and pay, without the assitance of a live person.

The restaurant is located next to the “McDonald’s Innovation Center” in Romeoville IL. They are usually where new products, equipment, and other ideas are tried out before the rest of the world sees them.

This could be a game changer. Imagine going into a fast food restaurant, ordering exactly what you want, and waiting on your number to be called. Sure, there will be some challenges and they will probably still get it wrong sometimes, but at least you’ll only have yourself to blame if you order incorrectly. Maybe they’ll put some extra ketchup packets out so you don’t have to cut to the front of the line for a few extras.