Meet Martial Arts Mom – Cristina Pavasars


When I was growing up I always wanted to practice martial arts, but my parents did not allow it as they considered martial arts to be just for boys. Now that I am married and that we have a daughter, my husband and I wanted to give her a chance to learn and practice martial arts, in addition to making it a family activity.

About two years ago, we randomly stopped by U. S Taekwondo Center (USTC) to check it out. We started with the basic course and have been actively pursuing Taekwondo since then. We have been blessed with having a great Master and instructors.

Our favorite aspect of practicing Taekwondo as a family is that it keeps us together. We train together, take our tests together, and recently for me, do sparring together. Although we started our Taekwondo journey at the same time, each one of us has different talents to share. I am more geared towards Poomsaes and forms; while my husband and daughter really enjoy board breaking, kicks and sparring. We were recently invited to join the Demo Team as a family and this has been very exciting for us; especially for Izabella as it was one of her goals for 2013. It just adds to the togetherness and bonding that Taekwondo can offer.

In addition to keeping our family close together, Taekwondo has many health/ fitness benefits. We now train four times a week which keeps us in good shape both mentally and physically. Other benefits are increased confidence, self-esteem, discipline and leadership. Taekwondo has helped Izabella mature, become more athletic and have increased strength. She behaves as a grown up beyond her age and likes to be a good example to others. At school, she helps her classmates with homework and is always eager to help. Taekwondo has also taught her how to control bullies.

Taekwondo has not only improved our well-being but has also given us the chance to grow as a family. We highly encourage everyone to take the next step and give Taekwondo a try.

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