Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood Spin-off


As a young child, I lived and breathe to get up and watch “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood”. I never questioned why he changed his shoes and sweater when he came home and I made puppets just like his. I have even started getting my daughter to watch the old episodes and we sit and watch it together—I’m not really sure if it’s for her or me.

This morning, I was excited to hear that Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood is returning, though not the way that I would have liked. Reuters is reporting that an animated spin-off the beloved series will begin a run in the fall of 2012. The show will revolve around Daniel Tiger, the 4-year-old son of Daniel Striped Tiger from the Land of Make Believe.

The show is already in production. Some of the other characters from the original neighborhood will also be featured as grown-ups who have young children of their own.

Will you watch the new show with your kids? What old show from your past would you like to see revived?